Saturday, 9 August 2008

The wonderful world of wheelie bins

There are people out there who think that bus enthusiasts are a strange breed.

But maybe those people would instead be inspired by the idea of wheelie bin spotting. The uninformed observer may be simply unaware of the variety of sizes, shapes and colours of bins available, the unusual settings in which they may be found and what they are used for.

It turns out that there is a special place on the internet for those who wish to pursue an interest in wheelie bins. Courtesy of that illustrious bus (and now, as it turns out, wheelie bin) photographer Derek Doling, I am delighted to introduce you to The Wonderful World of Wheelie Bins, where our wheelie bin has been immortalised.

And as if that wasn't enough on the subject of wheelie bins, we've ordered another one, this time for the yard to accommodate all the rubbish we sweep off the buses every night. This one is coming from a different supplier, so that should get the wheelie bin fraternity flocking to Eastleigh for a second time!

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