Tuesday, 11 August 2009

The Curse of the Ham and Mustard Sandwich

While cleaning my car out a few months ago, after it had been used by a number of drivers over a long weekend for bus stop publicity duties, under a pile of unused bus stop flags I found a rotting ham and mustard sandwich.

Several days old, with the odour to prove it, someone had clearly eaten one of the two sandwiches in the pack and simply abandoned the other one in the back of my car, to gradually decompose.

None of our staff admitted responsibility for this act of wanton vandalism and it definitely wasn't me because I hate mustard!

Today, while giving 302 a deep interior clean prior to MOT, Steve J and Simon lifted one of the seats to discover.... a rotting ham and mustard sandwich of even greater vintage!

Indeed, they have not yet been able to positively establish beyond all doubt that it was ham and mustard - DNA tests will be required for final proof - but it seems to be the most likely candidate.

So the question is, who is the ghostly individual that visits our fleet when no-one is watching, can apparently penetrate the locked door of my car and lift the seats of our buses undetected, before declaring biological warfare with aged ham and mustard sandwiches?!?

Is our fleet haunted.......?

And is our mystery assailant limited to ham and mustard, or is this just to lull us into a false sense of security to be followed by a more comprehensive attack with such diverse flavours as cheese and tomato, chicken salad and the weapon to end all weapons...... egg mayonnaise!?!

How will we ever know????


A Cumbrian said...

egg and mayonnaise you would notice earlier though.

maybe they were planted at the same time and two halves of the packet - making it an isolated incident?

cold head said...

You'll have to invest in CCTV with night vision capability, and abandon the world tour for a while.