Saturday, 4 July 2009

The Great Fire of Asda

0855 on Saturday morning and the phone rings. It's the driver of the 0856 C1 from Asda. He breathlessly informs me that he was unable to wait time at the normal stop an Asda as it's on fire! There are three fire trucks lined up in the access road, firemen running around all over the place and climbing up on the roof, from which our driver thinks he can see smoke rising.

I mention this in passing to another colleague, who then texts one of the drivers, and within minutes word has spread to almost our entire workforce that Asda is on fire! Before long, even friends who don't work for the company are receiving the reports of this huge inferno and it can't be long before it reaches the local media!

The driver of the following 0956 journey is duly invited to pass on a live on-the-spot report from the epicentre of the incident, as we all await the news of whether the store is still standing.

The time comes and, oh so nonchalantly, she reports that the store is still very much in evidence, and not in any way on fire.

The reason for the fire brigade presence....?

They were setting up for a charity fun day!!!

1 comment:

cold head said...

So much for communication!
One would think the store would have told the likes of bus operators to avoid confusion.