Sunday, 20 April 2008

Three is the magic number

Finally achieved it on Friday...!

V7 went out on S1, V12 went out on S2 and V14 went out on S3. They all stuck to their lines all day, did their work and came back in the evening!

Amazing that it has been so elusive - especially as we have not had any major mechanical issues - but finally route A was 100% purple and 100% low-floor, the first time we've achieved both those things on the same day!

And we did it again on Saturday!

And now, having proved that it can be done, we can relax a bit, so the sole remaining Dart (V384 - because W558 was collected by Dawson Rentals on Friday) went out on the 8 today by special request of Steve, and it may well creep back on to the scene a little more over the next few days, as we will be less preoccupied with running DAFs for the sake of running DAFs!

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