Saturday, 7 June 2008

Smooth operation

Friday was one of those rare days when everything ran like clockwork from start to finish.

All the drivers were in early and left on time. V7, V14 and V384 were on A, V11 was the Ringwood bus, 309 was on line D1 (that's our secret code for the bus that does the driver transfers in and out of Southampton to swap drivers over on the Ringwood bus, and then does Wildern School in the afternoon). 303 was spare and V12 was in for MOT preparation.

Having left on time, all the buses stayed on time as far as I could tell all day. All the drivers appeared at the office at the right times for paying in and breaks.

At the end of the day, the buses appeared at the petrol station at the times I was expecting them, all went up to the yard, parked up and swept, and the drivers were away a bit before their sign off time (which is the way I like it - it means that when it does go pear-shaped, they are ok about staying a bit over to help out).

V7 and V11 had their radiators cleaned out on Thursday night as they were running a bit hot again, and the temperatures on both were absolutely spot on.

Put simply, nothing went wrong.

Wouldn't it be boring if every day was like that!

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